A Trusted Communications Partner

Building Identities
& Developing Trails

In a world of here and now, we, Nasj, focus on building a long-lasting impact through tailoring stories, putting them in place, giving them references, history, and future. To be able to tackle the here and now.

Nasj was built by a group of experts in communication, branding and marketing. They came together as they believe that the Arabian market is a vital steam in the world’s economy. And being all Arabs, we believe that we are the best storytellers.

We are


We are blessed to work with leading brands and companies

We build decades of consolidated strategies

Aligned through the Kingdom vision, we lead brands into prosperity

Founded by 4 Gurus, NASJ team is built around passion for the trade, ready to invoate, lead, and achieve signifanct developements in whats here and now

We are Narrative Builders

We build identities to help brands express their true offerings.

We are valients

We Lead Globally

Nasj is owned by Global Specialities & backed by MKY Communications, a leading international Communications Agency, serving accross the United States, the United Kingdom and Egypt. With more than 50 key talents, Nasj is ready to redefine the Saudi here and now


Satisfied Customers


Markets Dominated


Completed Projects

What We Do

Our Services

We help our clients dominate their markets, audiences, and competitors

Digital Marketing Management

Unlock your brand’s potential

From briefing, to ideation, to planning, to excution. Our digital marketing scope is a fully integrated process set to make your brand reach the right audience, at the right time, in the right way.


Helping you leave a mark

We think of your brand as a person. From there, we let people know who that person it, his likes and dislikes, his personality, what he aspires to, what are his values, and even how he would look in every ocasion.

We Lead Brands from Chaos to Clarity.

Tech Solutions

We Make Brands go Smart

Think of your brand as someone who got brains and looks! To cope with today’s fast-paced world, we tailor your brand’s technology assets ensuring it has the right interface with your clients, from apps to platforms, we got it all.

Media Production

Breathing Life into Your Brand’s

We capture everything that your brand has to tell, and show it to the world. From products shoots, to documentries and full scale ads and everything inbetween, we tell stories. Our storytelling experties go from A to Z.

Meet our Team

Meet our Aspiring Team

Rafed Al Masree

Chief Executive Officer

Mahmoud K. Youssef

Head of Operations

Turki AlQurashi

Head of Business